Fashion Tantra + FASHION

DOUBLE TAKE – Fashion in 3D
Letzte Nacht stieß ich auf unglaubliche Bilder, die ihr hier unten sehen könnt. Sie sind Teil des Lookbooks für Spring 2009 von Designer Jeremy Laing. Mit einer IMAX-Technik wurden die Bilder in 3D geschossen und das Ergebnis überrascht! Gefunden habe ich diese Neugikeit beim V-Magazine. Hier gibt's jetzt noch das Interview im O-Ton:

1. So tell us about these crazy photos.
My friend Graydon Sheppard, who makes music videos and art stuff, has this cool 3-D camera with side-by-side lenses that captures stereoscopic images on one frame. We saturated the color, pumped up the contrast, and flattened out the sky, so the images sort of look like those old Victorian hand-tinted 3-D cards you can buy at the Chelsea Flea Market.

2. Was there something about the Fall collection that made you think that 3-D was the way to go?
Well the print for the season was this kind of explosive psychedelic kaleidoscopic image, so it wasn't a big leap to go from there to 3-D. It's a format that Graydon's been exploring for a while. We had been planning to collaborate, but the timing wasn't working out until, well, just now.

3. As you know, V loves Amanda Laine. How did you come to pick her?
Amanda's Canadian, like me, and she happened to be in Toronto when we were shooting. I couldn't say no, obviously. She's a natural in front of the camera, and she's super smart and articulate.

4. Any fun stories from the shoot?
We shot at an old reservoir near my house, and there was so much crazy action that day. Some old guy was tanning standing up for hours wearing tiny rolled-up shorts. Then there was a bunch of summer fitness boot-campers jogging around the park all day. It was one of the hottest days of the summer, so the whole scene was kind of nuts.

5. What can we expect from your Spring collection showing in New York next week?
Tons! There are some bits inspired by Lucio Fontana's slashed canvases, and by extension, a trompe l'oeil print that looks like punctured fabric in relief. From there I became taken with produce packaging, like those bags of grapes that are slashed so that they breathe and expand. And there's a general continuation of my exploration of geometrically based pattern-construction, plus some embellishment (courtesy of my Swarovski sponsorship) that emulates the geometric cast-concrete relief in brutalist architecture. All that and lots of easy, cool things to wear.

Photos by Graydon Sheppard
Styling by Claire Edmondson

Hair & Makeup by Eduardo Mella
Model: Amanda Laine at Elmer Olsen/Supreme

Via V-Magazine
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